Special Interest Programs

English 135: From Page to Performance

Offered through the English Department and conducted in the Renaissance setting of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon, this one-week summer program includes theater tickets for plays, backstage tours, and daily class sessions with professional actors and directors from the 150-member company. Students can earn one unit of transfer credit or take the course on a credit/no credit basis.

MESA Program

Room D-205, (626) 585-3085
The Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program is designed to assist educationally underserved and financially under-resourced students transfer to four-year institutions to obtain degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). MESA is an academic-centered program with a holistic approach that uses various components to support educationally and financially impacted students majoring in STEM. The MESA Program components includes academic workshops, tutoring, field trips, mentoring, MESA alumni networking, cultural engagement, social justice, counseling, club participation, and professional development. MESA brings internship, scholarship, research, and volunteer opportunities to its program members and supports community building as a bridge to STEM student success. The MESA Center is located in D-205. MESA requires prospective members to apply, participate in an eligibility intake, and meet program contract requirements to remain in good standing every academic school year. MESA members are primarily calculus-based STEM transfer majors, financial aid eligible, and first-generation college students. MESA is open to undocumented students, and all STEM students are encouraged to apply even if they are not sure they meet all requirements.  MESA works with all students to connect them to other STEM support when possible.  Applications are available year-round. 

We highly encourage Black, Latinx, Indigenous, LGBTQ, and all first generation college students to apply.  For more information email us at mesa@pasadena.edu, or call (626) 585-3085.

Pathways FYE Program and First Year Experience (FYE) Success Center

Room V102, (626) 585-7943
Pathways FYE provides a comprehensive set of support services to increase students’ success, persistence, and completion rates. The summer orientation, Jam, serves as the mandatory entry into the program. Students are encouraged to enroll in math and English. If they attend Jam and enroll in a first-year seminar (COLL 001) in their first semester and meet regularly with their coach and Academic Counselor, they will receive priority registration.

The Pathways FYE Success Center, located in V100, serves all first year students enrolled at the college. The center houses the Pathways program staff, FYE Academic Counselors, success coaches, and tutors and provides a variety of resources including a computer lab.

For more information, please visit the Pathways FYE Program website.