Learning Resources

PCC Shatford Library

LL, (626) 585-7221, https://pasadena.edu/library/

PCC Library is here to support your academic success! As the campus gateway to a world of information, the library offers a wealth of current, credible resources in both print and electronic formats. Explore our diverse array of subscription databases, which can be accessed from any Internet-connected device with a current LancerPoint username and password, and our ever-expanding collection of book, ebooks, and streaming video.

Visit the PCC Library to access its quiet or collaborative study spaces, group study rooms, textbooks, and an extensive print collection. You can work in the computer labs, borrow a laptop, print, scan pages, or charge your mobile device in the Library's secure charging lockers. Meet with a librarian for one-on-one research assistance at the Reference Desk or online, participate in customized research sessions and workshops, or enroll in the library's UC/CSU transferable, one-credit class on college research: LIB 001. If you're interested in a career in libraries, consider taking classes in one of our certificate programs for library support staff, digitization, and archives.

Library Borrowing Privileges

Library borrowing privileges are granted to all current PCC students, faculty and staff with a LancerCard ID. In addition, borrowing privileges are extended to adult residents of the Pasadena Area Community College District and to people who work in the District. Public patrons may register at the Circulation Desk with a California driver’s license and a second proof of identification with the same address. Students who attend high school within the District’s boundaries may register for borrowing privileges at the Circulation Desk with a current high school ID card.

Library telephone numbers:

  • Reference Desk    (626) 585-7360
  • Circulation Desk    (626) 585-7174
  • Computer Labs    (626) 585-3363
  • General Information    (626) 585-7221

Success Centers

Arts, Communication & Design | D302 | (626) 585-7359

Business & Industry | D301 | (626) 585-7183

Health Sciences & Wellness | SV25

Liberal Arts | D303 | (626) 585-7089

Social and Behavioral Sciences | D300 | (626) 585-7581

Science Success Center | SV25 | (626) 585-7179

Math Success Center | R406 | (626) 585-7458

MESA | D306 | (626) 585-3085

PCC Success Centers are here to support you as a whole student, offering a variety of services such as tutoring, coaching, Academic Counseling, academic and career workshops, study space, and access to technology, and a lounge with complimentary snacks and refreshments. Our centers are welcoming student spaces ready to support your success in college and beyond!

The Success Centers provide academic support services for Pasadena City College students and faculty to complement classroom learning and college success.

Visit the Success Centers website (https://pasadena.edu/academics/support/success-centers/) for hours, updated schedules, and other useful information.

Students are required to sign in and present a valid PCC Lancer Card to utilize center services.

The Success Centers host in-person and remote online tutoring for a wide variety of subjects free of charge, on a walk-in basis. Certified peer tutors assist students with learning skills and course-related assignments. Subjects tutored include business math, accounting, CIS, CS, BIT, Stats 15, foreign languages, communication, TVR, social and behavioral sciences such as Anthropology, Child Development, Economics, History, Humanities, Philosophy, Psychology and Political Science, Sociology, Stats 18 and Writing

Center resources include support for registration (D300), computers with multiple user applications, Internet access, and basic skills software (English, Math, and English as a Second Language). Several assistive devices are available to students with disabilities. WEPA print station for students' use.

Professional full-time staff, Academic Counselors, success coaches, and a skilled team of student workers are on hand to assist students with direction to appropriate learning strategies and resources.

Math Success Center (MSC)

Room R406, (626) 585-7458

The Math Sucess Center (MSC) provides mathematical support services for Pasadena City College students and faculty to complement classroom learning and college success. The MSC is located on the 4th floor of the R building in R406. Students are required to present a valid PCC Lancer Card or student identification number in order to use the center’s services.

The MSC is run by a team of faculty, staff, professional tutors, student-workers; any of which may help direct students to appropriate services. Services the MSC provides include book, calculator, and laptop in-center check-outs, workshops, directed learning activities, handouts, and free in-person and remote tutoring. Students and faculty can access our online services and resources via the MSC Canvas page and website. The MSC website also provides the most up-to-date hours of operation, workshop schedules, tutor schedules, and instructions on how to become a MSC tutor. https://pasadena.edu/academics/support/success-centers/math-success-center/

At the MSC, tutoring is provided for most mathematics and statistics courses taken at PCC. Students may receive one-on-one tutoring or be a part of a group tutoring session. Students in groups of three to six may reserve a group study room via the MSC front desk.