DIVISION: Noncredit
Review of fraction, decimal, and integer operations and representations. Comparison and conversion of fractions and decimals. Evaluation of mathematical expressions. Intended for College Algebra students who need arithmetic practice with fractions, decimals, and integers but open to all students. Total of 9 to 27 hours lecture.
Simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions. Topics include: order of operations and properties of exponents. Solve linear and absolute value equations and inequalities; graph and analyze linear equations. Intended for College Algebra students who need practice with algebraic expressions and linear equations. Total of 9 to 27 hours lecture.
Analysis of quadratic and polynomial equations and functions. Topics include: factoring techniques, rational roots theorem, graphing. Intended for College Algebra students who need practice with factoring, quadratics, and polynomials. Total of 9 to 27 hours lecture.
Study of rational expressions, rational exponents, complex numbers, and complex fractions. Topics include: techniques to simplify radicals and rational exponents, complex fractions, and graphing rational functions. Intended for College Algebra students who need practice with radicals, complex numbers and complex fractions, but open to all students. Total of 9 to 27 hours lecture.