DIVISION: Social Sciences
History is one of the most important and fundamental fields of academic inquiry. By knowing our past, we better understand our current civilizations and we better prepare for a more just and progressive shared future. The Pasadena City College History Department has a wide selection of over 20 courses focusing on women, California, Middle East, Chicano/Latinos, and more. Our courses offer you a foundation critical to understanding international relations, business, the arts, the sciences, and more.
Students take our history courses for a variety of reasons. Core to our breadth of history courses is the United States history series: History 007AB, and the world history series: History 002AB. Most of our history courses will fulfill your Diversity Requirement for pursuing an AA/AS degree. Or, if you are planning to transfer, you can take our courses to fulfill a GE requirement. Finally, you can earn the Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) degree in history, which ensures you meet all the requirements to transfer to a CSU as a history major.