Prerequisites, Corequisites, Limitation on Registration and Advisories

Plan Ahead! All prerequisites, corequisites, and limitations on enrollment stated in the course descriptions listed in this Catalog will be strictly enforced at the time of registration and into the semester. Students who do not meet the prerequisite standards according to College records will not be permitted to register for the course. Students who were enrolled in a prerequisite course in a previous term when they registered for the subsequent course will be dropped from the subsequent course if they do not satisfactorily (grade of "C" or better) complete the prerequisite course once the final grade is available.  Students who believe they have met the prerequisite at another institution are strongly advised to have all transcripts of prior college work submitted to our Admissions & Records Office early to minimize registration delays.

Note: Unofficial transcripts are accepted by our Prerequisite Office for prerequisite clearance. Official transcripts submitted to the Admissions & Records Office can be used for prerequisite clearance and for course evaluation leading to degree completion.

Initial Placement in Courses  

Students seeking initial placement in a sequence of courses are strongly advised to participate in the assessment process, in which an Academic Counselor will help evaluate skills, experience, aptitudes, and motivation. Based on information such as the student’s goals, high school grades, test scores, work experience, and other measures, the Academic Counselor will recommend placement at the level which meets the student’s needs and there is a reasonable chance of success.

Prerequisites/Corequisites/Recommended Preparation

A “prerequisite” is a condition of enrollment, such as successful completion of another course (with a grade of A, B, C, or P), that must be met BEFORE a student can register for a course or an educational program. Successful completion of a prerequisite demonstrates readiness for the subsequent course or program. By meeting the prerequisite, the student shows that he or she has mastered certain skills, concepts, and/or information without which the college considers success in the subsequent course or program highly unlikely.

A “corequisite” is a course in which a student is required to enroll at the same time that he or she is enrolled in another course. In the corequisite course, the student acquires certain skills, concepts, and/or information without which the College considers success in the concurrent course highly unlikely.

A “recommended preparation” statement in a course description means that a student is advised, but not required, to complete the identified course(s) prior to enrollment in another course or educational program. The skills, concepts, and/or information gained in the “recommended preparation” in another course or educational program will prepare students for success in the subsequent course or program.

All prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended preparation statements listed in the course descriptions are periodically reviewed. Students – especially those new to Pasadena City College – should consult the Schedule of Classes and the Counseling Center for the most current information. Students are expected to meet valid and necessary course prerequisites and corequisites.

Prerequisite/Corequisite Enrollment Limitation Challenge Process

A student may file the “Pasadena City College Prerequisite/Corequisite/Enrollment Limitation Challenge,” with supporting documentation, if he or she believes one or more of the following:

  1. The student has the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course or program despite not meeting the prerequisite or corequisite.
  2. The student will be subject to undue delay in attaining his/her educational goal because of the enrollment limitation or because the prerequisite or corequisite course has not been made reasonably available.
  3. The prerequisite, corequisite, or limitation on enrollment has not been established in accordance with applicable PCC policies and procedures.
  4. The prerequisite or corequisite is in violation of Title 5, Sections 55002 and 55003 of the California Code of Regulations.

5.  The prerequisite, corequisite, or enrollment limitation is either unlawfully discriminatory or is being applied in an unlawfully discriminatory manner.

Challenge forms are available in the Counseling Center (room L104) or the Prerequisite Office (L103D).  The student bears the initial burden of showing that grounds exist for the challenge. The challenge will be resolved in a timely manner, and if it is  approved, the student will be permitted to enroll in the course or program in question, provided that space is still available. It is to the student’s advantage to submit the form as soon as he or she becomes aware of the alleged grounds for the challenge. The student should review the challenge form itself for more detailed information and required procedures.

The completed Prerequisite Challenge Form can be submitted online to the Prerequisite Office, L103D, or fax it to (626) 585-7187 with the appropriate documentation. Forms received without documentation will be denied.